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Blue Dolphin

At the beginning of every nine week period, each 3rd and 4th grade teacher nominates two students to serve as a Dolphin Patrol helpers for a nine week period.  Each student will be selected because he/she has demonstrated qualities such as leadership skills, independence, and compliance to school rules and procedures.  He/she has been chosen to represent the school and help others; therefore, it would be expected that each Dolphin Patrol helper set a positive example for other students.  Some of the duties that will be assigned are:

  • Flag Duty: raising and lowering the flag.
  • Computer Lab Helper: assist with turning the computers on/off daily.
  • Office Helper: assist small children get to class and help with morning office errands (before announcements).
  • Cafeteria Helper: assist the younger students in locating their breakfast cards.
  • Classroom Helper: helping with PK, K and 1st grade with morning arrival procedures and at afternoon dismissal.

Duties assigned to all students will involve helping in the morning before classes begin or a few minutes before classes are released at the end of the day.  During the first week I will be meeting with each new Dolphin Patrol to review assignments and procedures.  If the Dolphin Patrol helper diligently completes his or her duties, they will each earn a special Dolphin Patrol drawstring bag to use with pride.